Discover the Facts About Online Learning
VIBE Academy is designed to give students a space where they can thrive. We are committed to helping every student reach their highest potential.
We invite you to learn more about VIBE Academy and how our virtual school is helping Iowa students succeed. VIBE Academy offers students a seamless online school experience from kindergarten through twelfth grade.
Q. Who can enroll in VIBE Academy?
A. All Iowa students in kindergarten through twelfth grade are eligible to enroll in VIBE Academy.
Students that live within the Sioux City Community School District boundary area can enroll by indicating their interest through the online registration process or by submitting a transfer request.
Students that live outside of the Sioux City Community School District boundary area can enroll during the Iowa Department of Education’s open enrollment window. Visit the VIBE Academy Enrollment page to learn more about Open Enrollment.
Q. Does an Open Enrollment application need to be completed on an annual basis?
A. No. Once an application is approved, your student may continue in the receiving district until they graduate or you move from your resident district.
Q. What costs are involved with Open Enrollment?
Your resident school district will be responsible for paying the annual cost for your student to attend school at VIBE Academy. However, all miscellaneous registration fees for participation in the educational programs (extra-curricular activities, school supplies, etc.) are the responsibility of the parents/guardians.
Q. What courses are offered?
A. The Sioux City Community School District uses District and Iowa Core Standards to ensure all students in kindergarten through twelfth grade meet or exceed expected learning outcomes at every grade level. Students enrolled in VIBE Academy have access to common core classes in the following subject areas: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, and Physical Education. Other elective classes are also available for high school students enrolled in VIBE Academy. Learn more about our courses by visiting the Academics page.
Q. Are VIBE Academy classes taught live?
A. Your student will log into class daily for real-time class instruction and interaction. The number of hours students log into virtual instruction versus the number of hours spent on assigned work varies by grade level and course. Our instructors pace classes with District pacing guides to meet grade level and expected course learning objectives. We want every student in VIBE Academy to reach their highest potential, so extra learning support is tailored around each student’s individual learning needs.
Q. Can VIBE Academy curriculum support special needs children?
A. The District is committed to accommodating each child’s unique learning needs, however, some learning opportunities may need to be modified in a remote environment. The provision of special education and accommodations for students who have individualized education programs (IEP’s) or Section 504 plans will be determined by each respective IEP or 504 teams. If your child has special needs and you are considering enrolling them in VIBE Academy, we encourage you to submit a message on Let’s Talk to connect with the special education team about your child’s opportunities.
Q. Is attendance taken for VIBE Academy students?
A. Attendance at all grades level is vital to a student’s success. This is no different for students in virtual school. VIBE Academy students are expected to attend and complete coursework for their classes daily. Teachers do record attendance, and attendance records are included in the student’s permanent record. If a student is absent, a parent or guardian must inform VIBE Academy and report the reason for the student’s absence.
Q. What school supplies will my child need?
A. Please view the District’s online school supply lists. Items marked with a ‘V’ are required for students that enroll in VIBE Academy.
Q. Will a computer or learning device be provided for my child?
A. Students enrolled in VIBE Academy will receive a laptop or learning device. This device is property of the District but will remain in the student’s possession throughout the school year. Students will be required to use the device for their classes. All District policies regarding the appropriate use of technology apply to VIBE Academy students. Students will be required to follow policies and procedures defined in the acceptable use agreement.
Tech support is available to assist students experiencing technical difficulties. View VIBE Academy tech support services here.
Q. Where can I find more information about the policies and procedures for VIBE Academy?
A. The information in the Sioux City Community School District Parent/Guardian and Student Handbook applies to all SCCSD students, including students enrolled in VIBE Academy.
Q. Do VIBE Academy students get snow days?
A. Yes! If a snow day is declared for the Sioux City Community School District, VIBE Academy students can enjoy the day off too!
Q. Who is eligible for athletics and/or activities?
A. Students who are enrolled in VIBE Academy and reside in Sioux City, IA can participate in most activities that take place at their boundary school outside of the school day.
View the full list of activities offered through VIBE Academy
View the full list of sports offered through VIBE Academy